Trey Humphreys Trey Humphreys

Mexican Coke

“Do you have Mexican Coke?” Garrett asked the Mexican waiter in Mexico.


There were three of us. Well, three of us and a half billion mosquitos. The thing is, between 4 pm – 7 pm in Holbox Isle, Mexico two things suck…the WiFi and the mosquitos.

We are living in Tulum, Mexico for the month.

“Do you have Mexican Coke?” Garrett asked the Mexican waiter in Mexico.


There were three of us. Well, three of us and a half billion mosquitos. The thing is, between 4 pm – 7 pm in Holbox Isle, Mexico two things suck…the WiFi and the mosquitos.

We are living in Tulum, Mexico for the month. It is hot as balls in Atlanta and hot as balls in Mexico, so we choose to be hot as balls in Mexico. We also negotiated an unbelievable deal on a massive Airbnb house with a private pool for less money than a shitty apartment in Atlanta. Life is an adventure or it’s not. Más or menos.

This past weekend we decided to venture up to the small island of Holbox for a couple of days. Rumors suggest it is the next Tulum. There are no cars on the island and around 2000 people. There are dusty, small, lumpy roads overrun by 4-wheelers and golf carts with mudding tires. It has an artistic village feel with calm, white beaches. It is a beautiful paradise. Well, until it rains.

It rained. Hard.

I was working out at a basketball pavilion in the center of town when a massive rainstorm hit. Gale force winds blew through the city and the streets turned into muddy lakes. Motorbikes and golf carts trudged through 3 to 4-foot mud puddles I assumed were made of rain and sewage.

Later in the afternoon we ventured out to find some food. We skirted the streets trying to avoid the massive amount of water in the streets. Don’t drink the water.


We found a little rooftop restaurant up a long set of stairs. Nobody was inside other than the waiter and the cook. The menu was impressive. Grilled meats and fresh fish. Under normal circumstances I assume it is a popular, high-end restaurant. However, the island has been closed for the past four months due to the Coronavirus. It opened on July 1st. It was July 9th. Needless to say, most of the businesses were still closed and there were very few tourists, the only revenue for the island.

The waiter, who I assume was the owner as well, was delighted to see us. Finally, some business! We were the only people in the restaurant. We asked what he recommended. He said the steak and fish of the day. In excitement, he brought us the fresh fish in Saran wrap to preview in hopes we would order it.

Ilene ordered first. Empanadas. I was searching the menu for something light as well. I have a rule, albeit a terrible rule, that I never eat fish when I travel internationally. It scares the shit out of me. So, I ordered the empanadas. So did Garrett.  

 “Tres?” the owner asked.

“Sure,” we replied.

He brought us some free bread. I swear to God it was the best bread I have ever had in my entire life. A naan type grilled bread with buttered cocaine or something. Red Lobster biscuits be damned.

Clearly, I asked for more.

Eventually he brought us our three empanadas. Total. Not three per person like a full order for normal humans but three total. In other words, one order split three ways. Ilene had a water, I had a water, and Garrett, well, had the Mexican coke. We had ordered the cheapest thing on the entire menu. By accident.

The waiter thought we only wanted three total. I felt like an asshole.

We had just ordered the cheapest thing on the damn menu plus asked for extra free bread. The man had been without business for four months and here we are ordering 152 pesos worth of food. That is $7.


In an effort to save face we left a sizable tip.

I still feel horrible.

Many people think it is reckless for me to be traveling right now during the pandemic. They might be right. However, it’s what I do. Travel. I am also spending money in a country that doesn’t have stimulus checks and PPP loans. A country where if you don’t have money, you don’t eat. I am hopeful that I am putting money in the hands of suffering people. It is not much but it is something.

If you are ever in Holbox, Mexico please go visit our friend at La Parrilla de Juan. He has the best bread in the entire world and I’m sure some delicious fish.


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